Why you should talk to your dog more

Do you usually talk to your dogs? We often see many people who typically speak to their dogs and as if the dogs can understand. So you have the question in your mind: do dogs understand? Is it necessary to speak to our old mate? Studies have shown that it’s essential. Talking to your dog more often is not only good for the dog but also you!

What benefits of talking to dogs

More intimate. People are social animals and socializing is a necessary skill for us. Socializing helps us to improve our connections with others. Communicating with dogs is essentially a social activity. It can help us interact with our dogs and bring them closer to us, thus enhancing the relationship between us and our dogs. We all know we want to connect more with our favorite things. Our dog companions certainly understand this. By talking to your dog often, your dog will know that you love him and are willing to communicate with him. It’s a sign of love.On the contrary, it will make them feel that you don’t like him and that’s why we seldom talk to him. Thus the dogs will stay away from us. Imagine how bad it is when you have a cute dog that doesn’t want to come near you!

Know better. We all find an amazing thing that humans and dogs don’t speak the same language, but if you say down to it, the dog will get down, and if you say up, the dog will get up again. That is most of the time dogs can follow our commands to do things. Can they understand our language? This topic is controversial. But we all know that some things in nature are connected, such as the fact that we all express our displeasure through increased volume. Therefore, in the process of our conversation with a dog, the dog catches keywords that were said over and over again to understand us. At the same time, they sense our emotions about the speed and tone of our speech at the time. Do you want your dog to understand you better? Talk to him more!

Rich in spirit. It makes you and your dog healthier if talking to your dog more often. On the one hand, dogs are sensitive animals and extremely insecure. Dogs are easy to be anxious. Talking to your dog can help them secrete a substance called oxytocin, which makes them feel more secure and happy. On the other hand, we need to talk more, to express our emotions. Yet many times there is no suitable listener, and this is when our dog baby becomes a perfect partner to talk to. By communicating with our dogs, we also greatly reduce our risk of depression and are much happier, and the same is true for our dogs.

3 Tips for Communicating with Your Dog

It’s so important to speak to your dog more often, so some of you are asking how we should communicate with your dog. Here are 3 tips for communicating better with your dogs.

Incorporate the body language

It can achieve better results than incorporating body language while speaking to your dog. For example, hugging and petting him more often. Besides, incorporating body language to instruct them makes it more likely that the dog understands us. For example, you can guide him with a hand wave when you call him over to eat. In that way, We’ll be more vivid with what we say and help our dogs to understand.

Think of it as a baby.

A study published in the Animal Cognition journal found that dogs love it when humans speak to them in baby talk. Communicate with him in tender terms and he will feel well cared for. For example, you can praise it as a good baby, ‘Baby is the most obedient ’or something like that.

Be patient with your dog.

We must know that our emotions are complex, dogs may not understand it or don’t understand what we say. At this time, be patient, don’t blame your dog. We as its owner, say more to him, like ‘It’s okay, baby, you’re so cute.’ and so on. Be patient and encourage them so that they are more confident and happy to interact with you and understand what you are saying. You’ll be able to communicate more smoothly.

Speak concisely and forcefully

Talking to our adorable dogs concisely and, not just sit sit sit for a while, but express words like sit, etc. The tone of our voice also must be affirmative. Don’t say anything ambiguous, but say fewer words like ‘Do you want to get down?’ and more sentences like ‘Get down’ and ‘Sit down’.

Here are a few signs that your dog is communicating with you.

Wag tail
Every time you come home when you open the door, you see your little guy wagging his tail and jumping towards you. Isn’t that a warm and happy feeling? At first, you might think it’s just wagging its tail, but actually, there’s a unique language behind it. It’s saying, ‘Welcome home, my master!’
Prick up ears
You say a lot of things to your dog, but you need to know the fact that your dog is our smart friend! They’re listening to you when you talk! How can you tell if your dog is listening to you? There is a little trick. Look at his ears. If his ears are up, it means he is listening to you. So, when you find your dog’s ears perked up like antennae, that means he is listening to you attentively. At this point, you can tell him something you think is important. For example, tell him not to run too fast, or to tell him that there is danger outside.

Stare at you with undivided attention
Eyes can say a lot. Like the way your eyes flicker when you lie, etc. When a dog is staring at you with full attention, it means he is listening to you intently. Have you ever noticed that when you lock eyes with a dog, that dog’s attention seems to be all focused on you? It’s a very obvious, wholehearted attention. He’s not just listening to you with his ears, he’s ‘saying’ a lot with his eyes.His eyes don’t distract him, it’s because he’s giving you his undivided attention. It’s really like it’s saying, ‘I’m here, my owner and I’m listening to you.’Think about it, if someone was staring at you all the time, and there wasn’t a single wandering look in their eyes, would you think they were listening to you intently? Of course, they would! The same goes for dogs. When they look at you, that focus and seriousness make you feel valued and noticed. This interaction isn’t just about dogs paying attention to people, it’s a way for people and dogs to build a deep emotional connection. Through that, you can read your dog’s needs, emotions, and attitudes in their eyes. They will use their eyes to tell you that they are happy, excited, or a little confused. And you’ll be able to respond to them with your eyes and voice, creating a silent bond that only you can understand.
So the next time you lock eyes with your dog, don’t forget to give them some extra attention and love! They’re listening to you with their full attention!
Add your dog’s name when you talk to him
Add your dog’s name when you speak, in that way, your dog will know you are talking to him. And to a certain extent, the name will also make you closer. Your dogs love this way because it will make them feel more pleasurable. Revised sentence: When you chat with your furry friend, using their name can amp up the interaction! Dogs are clever enough to know when they’re being talked to, especially when they hear their name. Plus, giving your pup a name not only brings you closer but also makes them feel super happy and content.Since I started dropping his name into our convos, it’s like magic that he gets me right away and we just click better. And hey, naming a dog is all about bonding. You know what? Dogs thrive on love and attention from their humans. When you give them a name, it’s like saying, ‘You’re part of my crew.’ That closeness lights up their day!

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